Fortunately I grew up to the age of 27, with a somewhat clean-ish record -- So far I have lost only one pair of sunglasses -- I left them in a cab; one wristwatch and one (empty) wallet -- in a local train, though I suspect it got stolen when I was fast asleep almost throughout the journey. Oh ok, and one day I walked out of a restaurant forgetting to pay. Noone stopped me, since it was this huge place and the cash counter was on the opposite end of the entrance, so noone noticed. Of course I went back to pay, an hour later when I realised! Yes it was embarassing but thankfully the staff there knew me very well, since I was a regular. One of their most favourite and trusted regulars, actually. Ook, fine, it was embarassing.
It's not like I don't remember to pick up my stuff, (viz.) my wallet, handbag, a book/magazine or two etc... It's just that I forget to remember quickly, before the others notice. I can say my ex spoilt me in that regard -- by picking up all the stuff I left behind. My father indulged this vice in me a bit too by always telling my best friend to remind me to do the task-in-question that I was supposed to remember to do, when she came to pick me up on her way to school. My mother and sister knew best how to handle this side of me -- they gave me pointed, exasperated looks not more than thrice before I was getting up to go somewhere else. And this knowledge was passed on and enthusiastically picked up by a couple of my friends. So as long as I was in safe company it did not matter...
It's not that I'm glorifying the tendency -- but then noone has hated me for it too... And then it has been a useful excuse to have -- like when the gossipy-grapevine-queen (GGQ) of the office who people were a bit scared to offend, clawed on to me to find out more about what the friend who sat at the next workstation had to say about about something that the friend would never tell the GGQ, I had a ready tool to wriggle out of the situation and shut her up. I just had to say the magic words -- "I forgot," and it was more or less believable. In case it was a query about the exact amount of pay hike someone else got, the response would be, "I forgot to ask." Case file closed in seconds.
Actually, it was a trick I learnt from one of those classmates who I sat next to in school for a couple of months. Somehow she never liked telling me what was written on the note our common friend just scribbled and sent her a few minutes back, or what she and the neighbouring girl were sniggering about. I was far from being a pesky kid but at that time I genuinely believed they were my friends. So whenever I asked her, "What were you two laughing about?," she put on this strangely calm smile, followed by a sincere look on her face when she replied, "I'll tell you later..". Which she never got around to because by the time it was lunch recess, she had conveniently "forgotten" about it. :-D That was my first lesson in how I could use my reputation.
Then of course it comes in handy when my kid sister comes up with things she remembers me saying or doing in childhood. Like when I, then an 8-year-old, high on some crazy imagination fuelled by Enid Blyton books in those days, was convinced that the Britishers might have buried some treasure in the desolate wood area in the colony or else why would we keep finding strange coins when we played hide 'n seek there, and convinced 10 other kids to carry on a 5-day digging up exercise that needed all of our parents to cajole us out of. That the activity extended to my house garden later and that the parents of other kids thought my parents were just trying to make other kids work in our garden for some soil mixing or some such, is something I'm very grudgingly disclosing, seeking comfort in my anonymity...
Anyway to date I have feigned amnesia with expertise when such topics come up. Yeah, there have been cool advantages of having the reputation too. But now is different. Like a couple of days back I opened the main door to my house with my keys and left them in the door lock. They remained there from Saturday noon to Sunday night and were noticed when we got out of the house in a huff after I stopped searching for my key set. And the door, which is passed by at least 6 people in a day, does not even have a deadbolt :-(( N, who usually throws a fit at these mishaps, gave me a cold look and did not even shake his head in disdain that's typical of only him. Me is feeling super bad until now. :-( And me really wants to change... Any memory loss pills to recommend?